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    February 27, 2014

    Buy good luck at Vieng Market

    On the 8th day of the first lunar month, people flocked to a unique market in Vu Ban district - Nam Dinh province to wish for a prosperous and lucky new year.

    Legend has it that Vieng market is linked to Nguyen Minh Khong, who introduced copper casting to the area, so people believe it is good luck to buy something made of copper at Vieng market on the day of the festival.

    According to popular belief, anything bought at the market, which opens every year at midnight on the 7th and only remains open through the 8th, will bring good luck to the customer for the whole year.

    The one-a-year spring market displays handicrafts, antiques and modern reproductions, utensils, agricultural tools, and many varieties of ornamental plants.

    Antiques and reproductions attracted the largest number of visitors. However, most people only browsed at the antique shops to satisfy their indulgence and meet other enthusiasts.

    Thuan, a repairman from Truc Ninh district, said that although he is not a professional antique collector, he sells antiques that he buys from his customers and scrap-iron dealers every year. Despite little profit, he said he enjoys meeting people and talking about the past.

    The most popular thing to buy is the roasted veal. It is considered the essential gift from Vieng market, no matter how high the price. The cheapest items at Vieng are the flowers and trees, which bring both the buyer and seller happiness and good luck.

    From around 2am, deals are done under the light of candles or flash-lights. Deals are agreed quickly as people believe it keeps the luck. Visitors can then go to local temples and pray for a happy new year.

    Vieng market is also a place to relax and meet people. Perhaps lovers will find each other here and have an auspicious future.

    Above all, everyone visiting the market just wish to buy the burnt veal at any cost, which is considered the indispensable gift from the market and bliss from fair of the Vieng market-goers. Accordingly, although the Vu Ban residents travelled anywhere, they just thought of the folk-song as a reminder:

    "Enjoying the New Year’s day at home on the 1st
    Engaging sports festival at communal house on the 2nd
    Going to Qua Linh market on the 4th
    Then Trinh market on 5th and Goi market on 6th
    The following 7th is just for rest
    Packing and travelling to Vieng market on 8th
    Because it just takes place once a year."

    Source: internet
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