Rolled rice pancake (bánh cuốn) is popular to Vietnamese as disk for breakfast. The cake preparing process includes grilled rice which is steamed and oil-spread to have sweet smell.
Bánh cuốn is prepared available. Leaves of cake put on plate as the customers ask for the disk. The cake is called Bánh cuốn Thanh Trì due to its origin is Thanh Trì Village of South Hà Nội.
Besides Bánh cuốn Thanh Trì, there is rolled rice pancake of which the filling is made from minced pork mixed with black mushroom and thin-top mushrooms. The cake, placed on plate, serve with salted shredded shrimp and fried dry onions. The customers immediately experience the disk as it is just finished and stilI very hot.
It is the sauce of the cake that fascinates the customers. The cake-makers have their own know-how, some of them prepare Bánh cuốn with Belostomatid essence to have sweet smell to attract to the customers.